Couple walking on Bousoulas beach


Committed to excellence in luxury travel for half a century, Sani Resort’s goal has always been to provide a unique luxury experience and the highest quality of service

Sani Resort is proud to have once again proven itself as a world-class luxury destination in 2024, earning an impressive array of prestigious accolades. Recognised for excellence in hospitality, sustainability and family-friendly experiences, Sani has cemented its place as a leader in global travel.

Awards 2024

Awards 2024

A voluntary eco-label, awarded to beaches, yachts and marinas which meet and maintain stringent environmental, educational, safety and accessibility criteria. Sani is the only resort to have been awarded in all three categories: Marina, Beach and Yacht.

Blue Flags

It is an honour to be recognized in all our areas of focus, from guest experience to our commitment to environmental change.

Awards 2023

Awards 2023

A voluntary eco-label, awarded to beaches, yachts and marinas which meet and maintain stringent environmental, educational, safety and accessibility criteria. Sani is the only resort to have been awarded in all three categories: Marina, Beach and Yacht.

Blue Flags

Awards 2022

Awards 2021

Awards 2020

Awards 2019